Homebrew VGA controller
To start, I'm grateful VGA is still around. It's the only analog video standard in widespread usage nowadays. That makes it accessible to hobbyists like myself in a way that high-bandwidth digital video interconnects may never be.
80x60 characters, 16 colors
I've been working on an 8-bit CPU for a good while now. It's a monstrosity wire connecting individual logic ICs on a dozen and a half breadboards. Initially, I hooked it up to a puny 20x4 HD44780 character LCD off of eBay. It was all good fun -- they're very easy to interface with a parallel data bus. However, as much as I love these things, they just don't offer much in terms of screen real estate. One of my main goals being to implement a Z-Machine and run old (and new!) text adventure games, something bigger was in order.
A brief introduction to VGA
Old-fashioned CRT televisions worked by shooting a stream of electrons at a phosphor screen. Their electron beam could only hit one place at a time, so it had to be scanned across the screen. The standard way to do this, baked into the design of early NTSC television, was to scan individual lines from left to right, with the lines scanned from top to bottom. In addition, the electron beam needed to be able to reset itself from the far right side of the screen to the far left and the bottom to the top. This was achieved by way of blanking intervals, where no video data would be sent for a brief period at time between lines and full frames. Squeezed into these intervals were horizontal and vertical sync pulses (technical information, regular information). NTSC also did a bunch of clever stuff with color, but that's not relevant here.

This scanning system lived on with the introduction of computer monitors and eventual standardization on the VGA connector. VGA still uses horizontal and vertical sync pulses, scanning, analog color, and all that; it was meant for driving CRTs. However, it also includes some nice improvements. All the individual signals are split out: red, green, blue, horizontal sync, and vertical sync each get their own physical wires (pinout). There are a number of video modes available, of which I chose 640x480 at 60 Hz. Modern computers even make use of built-in monitor ID to detect resolution and other capabilities.
Each line of video consists of four components: the visible area, front porch, sync pulse, and back porch (in that order). The same applies vertically. For 640x480, the horizontal is 640 pixels for the visible area, 16 for the front porch, 96 for the sync pulse, and 48 for the back porch. Vertically, the same are 480, 10, 2, and 33 pixels. (You'll notice in the diagram that I've wrapped the horizontal back porch around to the front. This is to aid in prefetching of character data, more on that later.)
640x480 @ 60 Hz
The 640x480 mode is perfect for this project.
It fits a neat 80 characters across and 60 vertical (each character is 8x8
It's very standard, 4:3 to match old monitors, and all of the horizontal
timings are multiples of 16.
That last bit means that when generating the signal, the bottom four bits
(2^4 = 16
) of the pixel counter can be ignored.
The pixel clock runs at exactly 25.175 MHz, for which full can crystal
oscillators are readily available.
Generating the signal
Ben Eater built a breadboard video card in a wonderfully descriptive YouTube video series. He opted for the 800x600 timings with the pixel clock cut in four. Crucially, he used flip-flops to track the blanking and sync intervals. Some clever Boolean logic is used to determine when the horizontal or vertical pixel counter has reached the start of one of these intervals, and it triggers the flip-flop to turn on (and again off at the end of the interval).
In total, there are four timing intervals that must be tracked:
- Horizontal blanking: any time an image is not displayed. Includes the front porch, sync pulse, and back porch.
- Horizontal sync
- Vertical blanking: like horizontal blanking, but vertical.
- Vertical sync
At 640x480, including blanking intervals, there are a total of 800 horizontal pixels and 525 lines. This means that 10 bits are required for both the x and y pixel counters. (The x pixel counter is fed by the 25.175 MHz oscillator.) The end of the horizontal sync pulse will also serve as a reset signal for the x counter and an increment signal for the y counter. Similarly, the end of the vertical blanking interval will reset the y counter.
The minimal set of bit positions that need to be checked to detect the sync and blanking looks like this. The output is active low and a falling edge trigger, so it's okay for a detector to be active for too long. In some cases, bits can be safely ignored because the counters reset at 800 and 525, never reaching all possible states. This optimization is seen most clearly with higher numbers.
0 = low, 1 = high, x = don't care HBLANK: on at 688, 1x1011xxxx off at 48, 000011xxxx HSYNC: on at 704, 1x1100xxxx off at 800, 11xx1xxxxx (x reset) VBLANK: on at 480, x111100000 off at 525, 1xxxxx11x1 (y reset) VSYNC: on at 480, x111101010 off at 492, x111101100
At this point, I devised and hand-optimized combinational logic to detect
these eight states based on available
7400-series logic chips.
The output of this combinational logic, which is active low (although there's
no reason active high couldn't be used), feeds into four SR latches made of
two NAND gates each to generate the HBLANK
, and VSYNC
feed directly to the VGA connector
via resistors, while HBLANK
are combined
and used to disable color signal output.
Text mode
With control signals taken care of, we now have a working VGA signal generated by two 10-bit pixel counters at a pixel clock of 25.175 MHz. This can be connected to a monitor, and the monitor will detect the signal and display whatever's on the color lines. I played around with this, connecting the color lines to logic high, ground, and even some of the pixel counter bits (through appropriate resistors of course)! This yielded a variety of colored stripes (albeit with some weirdness due to the blanking signals not being handled).
For a text mode, I opted for something fairly simple (yet still with color!). There are 256 possible characters (1 byte of address) stored in RAM. Each is stored with 1 bit per pixel across 8 bytes. Conveniently, this means that only one byte needs to be fetched per character per line of video displayed. Each character cell on the 80x60 grid stores two bytes: one for the character number and one for the color. Color is split into 4 bits for the foreground and 4 bits for the background color, each stored in the RGBI (red, green, blue, and intensity) format. In total, this makes for 3 one-byte memory reads per every 8 pixels.
Memory mapping and access
These days, unlike in the 80s, it's very easy to get spacious SRAM chips. I used an AS6C1008, which has 128 KiB of SRAM organized as 128K by 8 bits. Given all this space, it's easy to do some simple bit packing for addressing. The top bit (16) goes unused, while bit 15 is 0 for character cell memory and 1 for character definitions. There's actually 128x128 characters stored and addressed in memory -- not just the 80x60 that fit on the screen. This takes advantage of all 10 bits of the x and y pixel counters and enables easy scrolling (more on that later). This is mapped with 7 bits (14-8) for the top 7 bits of the y counter and 7 more bits (7-1) for the top 7 bits of the x counter. The bottom 3 bits of the x and y counters can be ignored as they cover the 8 pixel positions within a single character cell. The last bit (0) is set to 0 to store a character number and 1 to store that character's color. The ordering of these bits is important: it means that external data can be fed linearly across x positions into video memory.
Memory address bits from most to least significant. - = unused (0), y = y counter bits 9-3 inclusive, w = y counter bits 2-0 inclusive, x = x counter bits 9-3 inclusive, n = char # bits 7-0 inclusive, c = fetch char # (0) / fetch color (1) In character cell mode: -0yyyyyyyxxxxxxxc In character definition mode: -10000nnnnnnnnwww
Out of the memory address bits, 14 are fed directly from the pixel counters and are fixed for the duration of a character, while 2 vary depending on what data is being fetched for that character. To get all three bytes needed to make a character (character #, color, and pixel data for that character #), memory accesses need to be made within 8 clock cycles. The SRAM chip, fast as it is, can't deliver memory contents quickly enough for access within a single cycle. Therefore, it takes two clock cycles to read a byte of memory. (Sidenote: This could probably be pipelined, reading data and loading the next address during the same cycle.) Six cycles will then be used to access character data, leaving two for other use, such as writing new data to memory.
I chose to coordinate fetching this data using a 3-to-8 decoder chip: it takes 3 bits of input and activates one of 8 output lines for each input state. First, the character number address is set, and during the next cycle, the data is latched in. In the following cycle, the color address is set (differing by only the lowest bit) then latched in a cycle later. Finally, the character pixel data is read using the character number fetched earlier. At the same time, on the final cycle, the color data is promoted from a staging register to the main register, and the new character can begin to be displayed. A multiplexer selects each bit from the 8 bits of loaded pixel data, using the selected bit to choose which color (foreground or background) to output. This happens while the next character's data is fetched.
(Note: Because character data is prefetched and buffered for the duration of a character, the video controller needs to begin fetching data for a line of text slightly ahead of time during the blanking interval. This is why part of the blanking interval is wrapped around to the front in the timings discussed above. The x scroll register also needs to be set to compensate for shifting caused by all of this.)
Writing to memory
There's now a jumble of essentially random character data on the screen! Yay! Boundaries between characters are clearly visible since each character has only two colors. The next step is to make something out of that.
Ideally, external access to memory slips into the two unused clock cycles that happen every character. This would be blazing fast, and I wouldn't have to worry about the rate at which the CPU feeds data in. However, in practice, this method resulted in some strange flickering issues. (It could probably be solved with greater insight into the timing and signals, but I don't have an oscilloscope or that much patience.) I ended up feeding data in only during the blanking interval.
Either way, memory can only be written to at a specific time. The CPU can't be expected to know about this -- the timing is far too fast and precise. The solution? A register and a couple of flip-flops. The CPU sends data along whenever it wants (provided it's not too closely spaced) by putting the data on the bus and pulsing a control signal. This latches the data in and turns the flip-flop on. Next, the video controller looks at the state of the flip-flop whenever it's ready for data (ideally once per character, as discussed before). If it's on, the data is written to memory and the flip-flop is reset. As an added perk, the address counter is also incremented.
The address counter
The CPU needs some way to address video memory. With only an 8-bit bus plus control lines, this address must be stored in registers and updated ahead of time. Why stop there? I chose to use presettable counters in place of registers. These can be loaded from the bus by the CPU, but they are also counted up every time a byte is written to memory. This increases the rate at which data can be fed in, and more importantly, it means that the CPU doesn't have to keep track of a video memory address while sending data.
VGA wiring and resistors
Turns out VGA jacks are pretty cheap, around a dollar or even less. I got one and soldered it to some chopped-up jumper wires for easy interfacing with a breadboard.
As mentioned earlier, the VGA connector has three separate wires for each of red, green, and blue. These wires are terminated in the monitor with a 75 ohm resistor to ground. The voltage read by the monitor ranges from 0 volts for off to 0.7 volts for full brightness. However, the video controller's logic operates at 5 volts. Therefore, we must build a voltage divider.
461 ohm 0.7V 75 ohm 5V? ---/\/\/\--- * ---/\/\/\--- ground
A resistance of 461 ohms makes this circuit output a tidy 0.7 volts. However, there's a catch -- the 4-bit color we're using includes a bit controlling overall intensity. This means that the signal sent to the monitor could be either 0 volts, 0.35 volts, or 0.7 volts. Now, the circuit looks more like this:
909 ohm 75 ohm 5V? ---/\/\/\--- * ---/\/\/\--- ground | 909 ohm | 5V? ---/\/\/\--- |
By turning on only one input resistor, we get about 0.38 volts. By turning on both, they become effectively parallel, and the output reads 0.71 volts. Close enough.
(Sidenote: Driving these color signals requires a not-insubstantial amount of current -- about 4.5 mA for half intensity and 9 mA for full intensity. I'd been using 74F series logic for the video controller up to this point, and while it has very low propagation delay (around 3 ns), it's not great at driving outputs like this. I swapped in a couple of 74HC series AND gate chips to handle this.)
signals are regular TTL and work
fine with 5 volts.
I connected them via 75 ohm resistors.
They're active low, so they should remain on at rest and be brought to 0 volts
during the sync pulse.
Note also that color signal output is needs to be suppressed during the
horizontal and vertical blanking intervals.
Otherwise, the colors get messed up and don't display at a smooth intensity.
The intended use of this video controller is with a homebrew CPU that has rather limited processing power. It would be less than practical to keep track of entire frames of text on the CPU and rewrite them to video memory every time the screen needs to be scrolled. Video memory stores an entire 128x128 characters -- by displaying only a portion of this, scrolling (or even double-buffering) is possible.
Scrolling is implemented via two 10-bit (actually 12-bit, but the extra bits don't do anything) adder circuits. All these do is add the values of x and y scroll registers (set by the CPU) to the values of the pixel counters. The output of these adders is used in place of the output of the pixel counters in driving character generation. This allows pixel-level x and y scrolling across the entirety of video memory!
I used the original Commodore 64 font, copied down by hand from here. I added several additional characters and rearranged it all into ASCII. The end result is this, an ASCII-compatible character ROM ready to be fed into the video controller.
Character definitions are loaded into memory in the same way as character and color data. The CPU has a character ROM stored and loads it in on startup. Some programs, like Tetris, even add custom characters.
Putting it all together
All of these concepts linked together yield a fully functional, text-mode video controller! Pixel counters feed a VGA timing signal generator and combine with scroll registers to feed a character generator, and voilĂ -- text! In color! The parts that gave me the most trouble were mapping the sync pulses and blanking intervals to logic gate ICs in the most efficient way possible as well as working out the kinks and glitches in external memory access. Note also that care must be taken when interfacing between 74F and 74HC logic families.
Note to self: upload schematics and pictures at some point.